I start this blog to inform my and my colleagues' research about mental health personal recovery across different cultures. "Personal recovery" of mental health is about "feeling well", instead of "feeling less bad" that is often a focus in "clinical recovery". So, mental health personal recovery often focuses on quality of life, resilience and other positive mental health outcomes. I summarised this part of mental health as "feeling well".
The other element is cross-culture. Having lived in several places with different cultural characteristics in the world, I have become interested in cross-culture. Despite having lived in the UK for about 10 years, the cultural difference between the UK and my home culture of Japan has never ceased to fascinate me. In my cross-cultural research, I have been finding many interesting similarities and differences of mental health that can be explained by cultural differences.
I hope this blog and website will help people better understand their own and others' cultures, leading to better understanding and compassion for other people and themselves.